Dancing Fairies
Myth, Lore & Poetry

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This page is dedicated to myth, lore, and poetry

The Goddess has led us into the spiral dance of life.  She sends forth the winds, the whirling energies that bind existence in eternal motion.  Through dance, She teaches her children movement and charge".

Homers Hymn to Pythian Apollo

The lovely haired Graces and imperturbable Hours, Harmonia and Hebe and the daughter of Zeus, Aphrodite,  Dance all together, their hands clasping the wrist of the others,   And among them dances one neither ill-favoured nor puny But tall and stately to look on, and wondrous in form. 

As in the feast of roses of the Virgin Mary.  A hymn goes

"Virgin thou dost rise to everlasting triump.  Thos dost rightly share the heavenly ring dance". 

The Prema dance of Tara is a 21positioned dance.  Each position stands for one of the praises of Tara.  Tara, the Green Goddess, to which many temples are dedicated to in the Buddhist world.  

Sappho, BC 600, When the full moon rose women took their place around the altar.  They were dancing as Cretan women danced beside a lovely altar.  Their graceful feet treading down the smooth soft bloom of the grass.

A poem from Virgin, Mother, Crone:  Myths and Mysteries of the Triple Goddess:  And then, as the Moon withdrew from sight the women too withdrew from sight.  At the Dark of the Moon the women descended into Heras temple and that close and holy dark womb place tenderly swallowed them.  For their time of wisdom and power was at hand.  Their Dragon Time was at hand.

Rumi, 13th Century:  We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars.  The stars form a circle, and in the centre we dance. 
